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Garmeres lea organisašuvdna botnjut sápmelaččaide riikarájit rastá. Mii bargat botnjut sápmelaččaid vuoigatvuođaide, vejolašvuođaide ja oinnolašvuođaide birra Sápmi.

Searvva miellahttun

Arvedávgge doalut Sápmis

Garmeres og Steatornis går sammen i Trondheim Pride-paraden! Kom og gå med oss. Garmeres and Steatornis are going in the same section in the Trondheim Pride-parade! Come join us :)

Barents Pride has since 2017 been arranged in Kirkenes, Norway. The project was established by the russian human rights organization, Equals, The Norwegian Helsinki Comitee, Amnesty Norway and Foreningen Fri.

Mii sáhttit dál muitalit, ahte Sápmi Pride 2024 Budejjus, Norgabeal Sámis, dáhpáhuvvá golggotmánus 11.-13.b.! Muitte merket dáhpáhusa beaivemeari kaleandarasat. Lassedieđut bohtet maŋŋeleappos *** We can now reveal the location for Sápmi Pride 2024. It will take place in Bådåddjo/Bodø, 11th-13th of October, on the Norwegian side of the border. Be sure to mark the dates. More information will be coming soon

In the period November 11-18, we celebrate diversity at 69 degrees north. All colors, genders and lanes are welcome to celebrate that we are all unique and equal - and that we all have the right to be as similar or different as we want. Let's celebrate human dignity and the joy of creating warmth in a cold winter week. Welcome to Arctic Pride!

Ođasmahttán 07.09.2024 - 00:00