Program for Sápmi Pride 2021
- 27.07.2021
There may be changes to the programme. We are closely following the current corona restrictions and safer space guidelines in every event location.
Every attendee has to follow safer space guidelines. You will find them here.
Event locations: Ohcejotnjálmmi school (Utsjoentie 48, 99980 Utsjoki) and Gieddemielli (Nuorgamintie 1, 99980 Utsjoki). You will find the event map on this page down below.
Thursday 5.8.
- 15:00-18:00 - Other Comics Workshop
Comics project for Sámi LGBTQIA+ people by Heidi Lunabba
Location: the schoolPre-registration: heidi@lunabba.com - 18:15 - Opening words
Location: the school & livestream - 18:30 - Muitát-project talk for Siida Museum (for Sámi LGBTQIA+ people)
Location: the school
Friday 6.8.
- 11:00-14:00 - Other Comics Workshop (continued)
Comics project for Sámi LGBTQIA+ people by Heidi Lunabba
Location: the school - 14:00-16:00 - Workshop for making parade plaques
Location: the school - 16:00-19:00 - Siida Museum's pop-up shop
Location: Gieddemielli - 17:00-19:00 - Lávostallanvierut workshop
Guidance and workshop in pitching lávvu with Siidaskuvlla
Location: Gieddemielli - 19:00-21:00 - Dreaming session in the Ellos Deatnu lávvu
Location: Gieddemielli
Saturday 7.8.
- 10:00-12:00 - Brunch and last minute plaques
Location: the school - 12:00-13:00 - Walking- and riverboat-parade
Location: the school & livestream - 13:00-16:00 - Play area for children
Location: Gieddemielli - 13:30-15:00 - Panel discussion: Gendered language (in Northern Sámi)
Location: Gieddemielli & livestream - 15:30-16:45 - Panel discussion: What if you're not comfortable with binary gáktis? (in English)
Location: Gieddemielli & livestream - 18:30-19:00 - Queer-friendly evening mess
Location: Ohcejohka church - 20:00-22:00 - Open stage
Location: GieddemielliClick here to pre-registration
Sunday 8.8.
- 12:00 - Reflection, brainstorming for the next sápmi pride, saying thanks
Location: Gieddemielli - 14:00 - Spiritual songs by request and coffee
Location: Ohcejohka church
Ongoing (5.8.-8.8.)
- Queer literature showcase
Location: Ohcejohka library